Monday, November 2, 2009

Godzilla vs. Zombies

That's the best post title I've ever had, inspired by a Forbes article that compares Japan's Godzilla to the USA's Zombie craze:
Godzilla was, quite literally, the personification of humanity's science and technology gone bad. The message was simple: With atomic weapons, we had unleashed a monster that was beyond our ability to control.

In the West, Godzilla's cautionary tale (and tail) never really took hold. To Americans, Godzilla was just a guy in a rubber suit stepping on model houses. But that's not to say that the West hasn't had its own cinematic symbol of science run amuck. Instead of giant irradiated monsters, our preferred poison has been flesh-eating zombies.

Cultural differences explain a lot:

But there's one major difference between Godzilla and the attack of the zombies: Godzilla fought scientists and the military (and maybe the occasional band of adorable children), but zombie battles usually are a person-to-ex-person struggle. While Godzilla swatted at planes and crushed tanks underfoot, zombies are done in by weapons such as shotguns, hand grenades and the ever-handy chainsaw.

Americans must like the idea that, as out of control as our hubristic science might become, a good machete and a 12 gauge in the hands of a competent man or woman can always save the day.
Come the Zombiepocalypse, you can keep the machete. Give me one of these instead.


Eagle said...

And now, you can defend yourself against zombie right in your own cubicle!

Brad_in_IL said...


Have you seen or read The Zombie Survival Guide? Written by Max Brooks, son of Mel Brooks. I just learned about it over the weekend. It was part of the post-Halloween show on CBS's Sunday Morning. Max's only suggestion . . . get a girlfriend BEFORE writing a book about zombies.

- Brad

Borepatch said...

Burt, made of win, right there.

Brad, this is one of #2 Son's favorite books.

Tangalor said...

I tend to think hordes of zombies is very befitting American consumer culture. Ever worked at a mall (I did when I was younger)?

When I worked retail in the mall, I knew just what Romero was trying to say. People, eyes glazed over, fighting for things they don't have... brains.

I people watch a lot.. I love to know what makes them tick. And I'm ashamed when I say Americans are seriously zombies, and, as the Mogambu Guru would say, We're all friggin' doomed!